Medical bills can be incredibly expensive, and without the proper insurance, you could find yourself in a financial crisis. The best medical gap insurance makes sure you don’t have to pay co-payments.
Medical gap cover is a type of insurance that can help cover the costs of medical procedures that your primary medical aid plan may not fully cover. But with so many options available, how can you choose the best one? In this article, we’ll explore why Zestlife is the top choice for medical gap cover.
What is Medical Gap Cover?
Understanding Medical Aid Plans
Before we dive into medical gap cover, it’s essential to understand how medical aid plans work. A medical aid plan is a type of insurance that covers the costs of medical procedures, such as doctor consultations, hospital stays, and prescription medication. There are various medical aid plans available, each with different levels of coverage and premiums.
Why you need the best medical gap insurance
While medical aid plans offer coverage for many medical procedures, there may be some procedures that aren’t fully covered. In these instances, you may be left with a significant medical bill to pay out of pocket. This is where it is important to have the best medical gap insurance in South Africa. Zestlife medical gap cover is designed to cover the shortfall between what your medical aid plan covers and the actual cost of a medical procedure.
How medical gap cover works
When you have medical gap cover, you pay a monthly premium to the insurance provider. In the event that you need a medical procedure that isn’t fully covered by your medical aid plan, you can submit a claim to your gap cover provider. The provider will then cover the difference between what your medical aid plan covers and the actual cost of the procedure, up to the limit of your policy.
The benefits of Zestlife medical gap cover
Comprehensive Coverage
Zestlife’s medical gap cover offers comprehensive coverage for a wide range of medical procedures, including hospital stays, surgical procedures, and specialist consultations. With Zestlife, you can rest assured that you’ll be covered in the event of any unforeseen medical expenses.
Affordable Premiums
Zestlife’s medical gap cover is also affordable, with premiums starting from as little as R159 per month. This makes it an accessible option for individuals and families on a tight budget – yet another reason why Zestlife is the best medical gap insurance.
Easy Claims Process
Zestlife’s claims process is another factor making it the best medical gap insurance in South Africa. The process is straightforward and hassle-free. You can submit your claim online or via email, and the provider will process your claim within 48 hours.
If you are a member of any medical scheme in South Africa, get your free quote on this page. Complete and then submit the form. Zestlife will get back to you fast.