Category: Cost of Gap Cover

  • Medvest Gap Cover Prices and Info – Online Quote Here

    One wonders why medical professionals aren’t regulated in South Africa. If they were regulated, they wouldn’t be allowed to charge what they like for the medical treatments they perform. People on medical aids are supposed to have their medical treatments covered fully by medical aid but they’re not. They’re only partially covered. The reason for this…

  • Zest Gap Cover is the Wrong Name for Zestlife Gap Cover

    When people join a medical scheme for the first time, they’re delighted. They believe that being covered for up to 100% of the costs means they will never receive a medical bill. They’re in for a shock when they realize that their medical aid can be very disappointing. It only partially pays for most treatments, leaving…

  • Medihelp Gap Cover Helps You to Avoid Medical Aid Co-Payments

    You can’t depend on your medical aid plan to ensure you never receive a medical procedure bill. Medical Schemes are paying less and less but asking for bigger premiums each month. You can’t even say it depends on the medical aid plan you’re on, because whether it’s the simplest plan or the most comprehensive, you’re going…

  • Medical Aid Gap Cover Quotes Online Here – Act Now!

    Medical professionals in South Africa aren’t regulated and they charge just what they like. If you don’t have medical gap cover, you will become a victim of huge medical bills. Medical schemes only partially pay for some of your treatments. The part that they don’t pay, you must pay. This is exactly why gap cover…

  • Insuremed Gap Cover Rules Out Medical Aid Co-Payments

    South Africans have learned that medical gap cover is the only thing that can give them peace – something that their medical aids are supposed to be giving them, but don’t. Their medical aids take a massive premium from them each month, but in spite of this they cover less and less. It’s gap cover…

  • Gap Cover for GEMS Medical Aid – One Policy for the Whole Family

    Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Who knows what other weird diseases will arise to join Covid-19? These strange killer viruses cause everyone to frantically upgrade their medical aid help. Life has changed forever the way we knew it and these days you have to be prepared for any kind of new disease outbreak. Belong…