Cura Gap Cover – Keeping Your Medical Aid Healthy

What Cura Gap Cover Can Do For You

If you have a Medical Aid policy already you might feel that you and your family are completely covered in case of medical emergencies or care.

However, this might not be. Medical Aids can only cover you and your family to the set base Medical Aid rate. However, you can still be charged up to 5-times above this rate by Medical Practitioners.

This isn’t even to mention the things your Medical Aid might not even cover – be is specialist treatments, consumables or co-payments. However, all these unexpected pitfalls of Medical Insurance can be avoided with Cura Gap Cover.

Cura keeps you and your family insured beyond what your Medical Aid will cover. Paying out for co-payments as well as covering the shortfall in between what tariff rates your Medical Aid will cover and what you are charged.

Benefits with Cura Gap Cover

With Cura Medical Aid you can be assured that you not only gain fuller coverage. But you also gain extra benefits that boost your current Medical Aids coverage of you and your loved ones.

With Cura you can look forward to not only the basic Gap Cover benefits such as short term shortfall cover and co-payment cover. But can be assured of added benefits as well that not only extend the cover provided by your Medical Aid but boosts it as well.

Some of the benefits of Cure Gap Cover are –

  • Gap Cover – Cura Gap Cover will pay between 100% to 600% of scheme rates for shortfalls in procedures/services and certain specified out-of-hospital treatments.
  • In and Out of Hospital Co-Payment Cover – Keeping you and your family covered for any co-payments and deductibles incurred during outpatient treatment or extended in-hospital stays.
  • Use of Non-DSP Hospital Cover – Covering you for co-payments due to Non-DSP Hospital use.
  • Internal Prosthesis Cover – Keeping you insured in case of need for treatment with Internal Prostheses.
  • Consumables Cover – Covering the disposable items such as surgical gloves, bandages and gauze which might not be covered by your Medical Aid.
  • Emergency Casualty Benefit – Cura Covers the cost of emergency medical treatment or a surgical procedure performed in the hospital casualty unit.

A Little Bit More Information About Gap Cover

Cura Gap Cover is short-term insurance that works with but does not replace, your Medical Aid. Gap Cover is designed to fill in the gap between the limited set on Medical Aid coverage and what actual charges and bills you might face during extended or extensive medical care.

With rising medical costs and unexpected charges, Gap Cover is becoming a necessity rather than a luxury. With a Gap Cover policy, you can be assured that your Medical Aid Cover will be extended as well as the cover provided to your family and loved ones.

In these unexpected times, you can’t afford to be without the cover you need. During these times, it is good to know that there are many trusted providers of Gap Cover. As long as you are with a Registered South African Medical Aid you qualify for most Gap Cover schemes.

Please complete and submit the form on this page to get a gap cover quote now