Ambledown Gap Cover – Get a Quote Here

Leaders in the Gap Cover Industry

Founded on the principles of innovation and technology Ambledown leads the Gap Cover industry by looking towards the future and putting the power into the hands of their members with their app g-App and wide range of Gap Cover Schemes.

Ambledowns g-App aims to not only keep up with modern lifestyles and needs but allows members to complete claims and submit new applications through their app. Putting your needs first, fast and allowing you to put in your claims with ease.

With Ambledown you get clear cover and practical solutions to your Gap Cover needs with their Gap Cover Schemes. With coverage for just events such as Co-payments, Sublimit cover and Dread disease cover.

What Exactly is Gap Cover and How is Ambledown Different?

If you have medical aid you naturally expect to be fully covered in the event of an emergency. However, most Medical Aids will only cover in-hospital expenses at the current Medical Scheme rate.Ambledown Gap Cover Logo
However, most Specialists today are charging rates that are substantially higher than the Medical Aid rates leaving you to pay for the ‘gap’ in the Medical Aid cover. Ambledowns Gap Cover covers this ‘gap’ leaving you free of worry.

The Ambledown Gap Cover Series is tailored to suit your needs whatever they may be, ensuring that you and your family are covered in a way that fits your lifestyle best. As one of the leaders in Gap Cover Schemes, Ambledowns clear and extensive range of Gap Cover Schemes works to offer one of the widest ranges of Gap cover Schemes with the widest price range on the market. Giving you more choices and more freedom.

With their forward-looking attitude and dedication to keeping abreast of the changes in the industry, you can also be assured that with Ambledown you will always be ahead of the curve with your cover as they work to bring you better cover and slimline the claims process through their app.

Why Choose Ambledown?

  • Ambledowns’ forward-facing outlook means that you nor your cover will be left behind in these ever-changing times.
  • With their sleek app, g-App you are free to place and track your claims whenever, wherever freeing you from hassle and stress of tracking and placing claims and submitting new applications.
  • With a wide range of products, and benefits you never loose out with Ambledown. They are constantly keeping up with the industry and working bring you the best cover.
  • Ambledown puts affordability first for long term sustainability and value for money.
  • Ambledown as taken care to put risk management first to make sure limit risks normally associated with claims.
  • Ambledown works closely with Er24s virtual app you only gain more benefits by joining Ambledown as they offer exciting customized services including 24/7 support line and ambulance medical assistance.
  • With Ambledown gap cover you always know what you are getting and what you are covered for, meaning you never need to worry about what you can claim for.

Act now before it’s too late. Complete and submit the form now to get your quote!