Here is why Ambledown is insurance you can’t do without.
The South African Government have a way of regulating the prices of goods and services in the country. You will notice that every other month, the Government announces a new fuel price. Also, the Government regulates the prices of some goods and services.

Do you know that the Government does not regulate the prices of healthcare services in South Africa? This means your doctors, hospitals, Specialist/Surgeons can charge you any amount they deem fit for the service they are providing. You either take it or leave it.
Medical aids only cover a specific part of the treatment and procedure cost. Some medical aid premiums do not cover all treatments or procedures. This shows that even with your medical aid, you are still vulnerable.
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Do not panic. Ambledown Gap Cover is what you need to give you and your family peace of mind.
Ambledown Gap Covers are a short-term insurance policy that protects you in a situation whereby your Doctor or Hospital charges you more than what your medical aid rate covers. It covers the difference or shortfalls between what the Doctor or Specialist charges you and what your medical aid can pay.
Trust Ambledown for the rest of your life
Ambledown Gap Cover is one of South Africa’s most reliable insurance providers. They have a range of Gap Cover plans that suits your need and pocket.
- Ambledown Gap Cover 100 provides cover for charges requested by Doctors or Specialist that are above the amounts your medical aid scheme is willing to pay for specific treatments and procedures. It is limited to 5 times the Medical Scheme Rate and comes with Casualty Ward Benefit.
- Ambledown Gap Cover 200 provides for charges requested by Doctors or Specialist above the amounts your medical aid scheme is willing to pay for specific treatments and procedures. It is limited to 3 times the Medical Scheme Rate and gives you Casualty Ward Benefit.
- Ambledown Gap Plus provides coverage for charges higher than what your medical aid scheme can pay. Benefits included are Co-Payment Cover, One penalty Co-Payment, Casualty Ward Benefit.
- Ambledown Gap Select provides cover for you and your family when medical practitioners charge higher than what your medical aid scheme pays.
- Co-Payment Cover.
- Cancer Cover.
- Dread Disease/Severe Illness Benefit.
- Sub-Limit Cover.
- Casualty Ward Benefit.
- One penalty Co-Payment.
- Ambledown Gap Elite: This product covers you and your family for shortfalls when your medical practitioner charges above the amounts your medical aid scheme is willing to pay. Ambledown covers specific treatments and procedures such as in-hospital surgical procedures and specific out of hospital procedures.
- Sub-limitation Cover.
- Cancer Cover.
- Casualty ward benefits.
- Dread Disease/Severe Illness Benefit.
- Premium Waiver Benefit.
- The Gap Supreme Offers Co-Payment Cover, Cancer Cover, Dread Disease/Severe Illness Benefit. Sub-Limit Cover. Casualty Ward Benefit, One penalty Co-Payment, Premium Waiver Benefit.
- LPE Advanced offers one of a kind cover. It covers for Casualty ward benefits and Medical Expenses related to 10 selected procedures. This includes; varicose veins removal, nasal surgery, back and neck treatment or surgery, Joint replacements, Skin disorders, Bunionectomy, Arthroscopy, oesophagal reflux and hiatus hernia surgery, Cochlear implants and auditory brain implants, In-hospital Dentistry Management.
Ambledown G-App
The Ambledown G-App is a software that you can download to you Android or Apple iOS devices. The App allows you to manage your Ambledown Gap Cover plans from the palm of your hands.
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