PPS Gap Cover Offers Extra Coverage for Professionals

Health cover isn’t cheap, even for professionals such as doctors, architects, engineers, and lawyers who may be earning a substantial salary.

Even young people who believe they will never get sick need medical aid. Life offers bends in the road for everyone. One day you’re well and the next you’re receiving news on a dread disease from the doctor.

Rich man, Poor man – you Need Gap Cover

Medical aid isn’t a luxury, but a necessity. Whether you’re rich or poor, paying medical bills can send you spiralling into a pit of financial despair. Gap cover has been created to take care of one very big inadequacy with medical aid – their partial payment of some medical treatments.

Because they won’t pay for some treatments in full, a shortfall exists and you will have to pay it if you don’t have medical gap cover.

Full protection for healthcare professionals

Health Professions Indemnity or HPI provides PPS members with full protection of South Africa’s financial institutions’ regulatory environment. Many of South Africa’s healthcare professionals face challenging work environments where their health is impacted.

This leads to increased medical errors and even malpractice litigation. HPI cover offers 24/7 medico-legal advice, comprehensive cover against liability and gap cover protection calculated at roughly 10% of their medical scheme premium.

PPS or Professional Provident Society was founded in 1941 as a financial services company in South Africa. Their focus is on offering customized healthcare solutions and insurance to graduate professionals.

  • The company provides long-term life, critical illness, sickness, and disability insurance products for graduate professionals. PPS members share in the profits.
  • Members have access to selected short-term insurance benefits. Members share in the profits through qualifying products. Their short-term insurance products are Pro-Insure personal insurance and Professional Indemnity Provider.
  • PPS partners with ProAssurance Corporation. This is one of America’s leading experts in medical professions indemnity.
  • PPS isn’t just a product provider but they help to improve the working environment of health professionals.
  • They have a useful app that allows medical professionals to get all the information they want – “under one roof” from their mobile device.
  • PPS Health Professions Indemnity is an insurance contract-based product.
  • Policy members enjoy certainty with the indemnity cover.
  • The indemnity cover is underwritten by the PPS Short-term Insurance Company.
  • PPS provides policyholders with protection available from the South African financial institution’s regulatory environment.
  • Health Professions Indemnity has innovative features that ensure professionals are properly covered throughout their professional career and into retirement.
  • As is the only diversified financial services company operating under the ethos of mutuality, members with qualifying products participate in the profits of the PPS Group.
  • Health Professions Indemnity Cover compensates PPS members for losses up to a certain limit. The amount paid each month will be in the area of 10% of the premium paid to the medical scheme.
  • The financial position of PPS is strong, and they’re able to pay all claims.

As a financial services provider, all PPS members have access to great products and services aimed to meet all the healthcare needs of graduate professionals. And that includes PPS gap cover.

Get a gap cover quote here. Complete and submit the form!