Momentum Gap Cover for All Medical Scheme Members

Seamlessly Enhance Your Medical Aid With Momentum Gap Cover

If you are with a registered South African Medical Aid Scheme you can get Gap Cover coverage with Momentum Gap Cover. With Momentum Gap Cover you are covered for up to 3 times the amount paid out by your Medical Aid in case of shortfalls between what is charged by medical practitioners and what is covered by your current Medical Aid. Meaning you never need to worry about unexpected bills after a hospital stay.

Momentum Gap Cover works alongside your current Medical Aid, supporting it and you when shortfalls occur. With this extra coverage boosting your Medical Aid plan, you can be assured that you and your family are truly covered in the face of any planed or unplanned events.

Momentum Gap Cover will not only provide coverage for shortfalls when it comes to hospital stays and specialists. But provide coverage for Co-payments; as well as offering Casualty Cover for any extra costs that may occur when being admitted to the emergency of any registered hospital.

Meaning that you never need to worry about what unexpected bills may arise during accidents or injury or even what unexpected things might happen during joyous events like childbirth or pregnancy. With substantial cover for families, Momentum Gap Cover benefits you at whatever stage of life you are at.

Coverage You Can Trust In

Momentum Gap Cover covers you for a range of situations with a range of carefully thought out Gap Cover plans. They also cover costs on internal prosthesis such as stents and pacemakers. Cancer, giving out a lump sum payment in the event of diagnosis. Accidental disability and death as well a trauma counselling. Allowing you and your family to rest assured that you are supported and even if the worst happens.

Quick and easy to get, Momentum Gap Cover offers you cover that you can trust in at costs that you can afford. With Momentum Gap Cover you are put first through their Gap Cover schemes, making sure that you and your family have the cover that you need when you need it the most. With lump sum payments and benefits that cover all eventualities, it is not hard to see why Momentum Gap
Cover is one of the industry leaders.

Benefits With Momentum Gap Cover

  • Gap Cover you can afford.
  • Inpatient and outpatient cover that covers you where you need it the most.
  • Accidental disability and Death Cover that makes sense.
  • Benefits aimed at keeping you and your family in good health. With pregnancy benefits as well as fast, sure payouts when you need them the most.
  • Coverage up to 3 times more than what your Medical Aid Scheme pays out.
  • Trauma Cover, allowing you to smoothly move forwards with your life after a traumatic event. Getting you and your family back to your lives sooner.
  • Quick and easy, obligation-free Momentum Gap Cover quotes so you can find the best Gap Cover Plan to work with your Medical Aid.

Get a gap cover quote now. Complete and submit the form on this page so we can contact you with a bespoke quote.