Old Mutual Gap Cover is for All Medical Aid Members

People are wondering just where they can cut back on their spending to make ends meet. Spiralling medical aid premiums and less and less cover is causing many South Africans to look at their medical aid plans with jaundiced eyes. Perhaps they should take a look at Old Mutual Gap Cover.

People ask why it is that they pay such high premiums and are still left with huge out-of-pocket hospitalisation expenses.

Medical aid and Old Mutual Gap Cover go hand in hand

Medical aid in South Africa is a necessary evil and while you have it you need gap cover. Old Mutual gap cover in recent years has moved into the limelight because without it you may as well decide not to pursue any in-hospital medical treatments.

The reason for this is that you will be faced with unexpected and unaffordable medical bills for in-hospital treatment. Without gap cover you will have to pay these bills. Without gap cover you can easily drown in a sea of medical bills.

Just so that you don’t have any misunderstandings with gap cover – it won’t cover any medical procedures that your medical aid doesn’t cover. 

Have a look at Old Mutual’s Gap Cover

There is a critical need for gap cover insurance. If your medical aid isn’t going to pay for that amount that specialists charge over and above the medical aid rate, then who is going to use the truth is your medical aid won’t pay for those bills that are over the sum they are willing to pay.

Fortunately, Old Mutual Gap Cover saw the need.

  • They are a financial services group offering a broad spectrum of financial solutions to all their customers. Old Mutual Gap Cover protects up to 6 family members under one price. Children are covered up to 26 years of age.
  • Old Mutual Gap Cover will pay the difference up to 5 times the medical aid rate on non-group network plans. Also, if the main member and spouse are on different medical aids they can still be covered by a single Gap Cover policy.
  • Their core benefits of Old Mutual Gap Cover include – In-hospital-,  In-and Out-of-hospital Oncology-,  Out-of-hospital benefits and  Benefit Extender. The Benefit Extender includes among others, a useful dental reconstruction benefit. This is helpful for when a beneficiary requires dental reconstruction as a result of oncology treatment or trauma. There is also the very valuable Medical Scheme Contribution Waiver in the event of death or disability. This Benefit Extender is over and above the core benefits.
  • Gap Cover from Old Mutual doesn’t cost a lot. For a very reasonable amount each month, you and your family can avoid massive in-hospital medical bills.
  • Principal member and spouse that are on different medical aids can be covered by a single Gap Cover policy.
  • For gap cover from Old Mutual, you don’t have to undergo a medical test.
  • Old Mutual’s iWyze Gap Cover offers in- and out-of-hospital oncology benefits.
  • Kidney dialysis is covered.
  • Sub-limits, co-payments, and deductibles are covered

Old Mutual Gap Cover – you Need it!

What medical scheme do you belong to? It is important to understand how the rules of your medical scheme apply to gap cover and what the gap cover actually covers.

Old Mutual Gap Cover doesn’t for one minute replace your medical scheme – it simply jumps in and pays for some treatments in hospital that your medical aid plan will only pay out up to a point. 

Get a quote for Gap Cover by completing and submitting the form on this page.