Total Risk Gap Cover Is Good Medical Aid Gap Cover

Why Do You Need Gap Cover?

You might not know it, but Medical Aids do not cover everything. Rightly you would assume that if you have medical aid, that your 100% insured. However, this is not always what happens as Medical Aids only cover part of the expenses you can occur during a hospital stay. Leaving you with unforeseen and unexpected bills and financial stress after being hospitalised.

Gap Cover covers this shortfall and protects you and your family from this occurring. Gap Cover works with any Registered South African Medical Aid Scheme.

TRA – How They Will Cover You

Total Risk Gap Cover or TRA have taken your needs into consideration in the design and implementation of their Gap Cover policies.

With a range of plans on offer at a range of prices that not only fit your pocket but fit and work alongside your current Medical Aid as well. Leaving you and your family fully covered.

Just some of the benefits TRA offers its Gap Cover policy Holders are –

  • Not Entry Age Limit.
  • Gap Cover for any shortfall on medical bills and procedures.
  • Immediate Benefits for new policy Holders.
  • Family Members covered by TRA need not be on the same Medical Aid plan.
  • All TRA Gap Cover Plans offer policyholders TRA ASSIST (powered by ituASSIST) which includes – Home Drive ( Own Vehicle or other services eg: Uber services) – Panic Button – Medical Health and Trauma Counselling Line.
  • Global Fee Cover.
  • Co-Payment Benefits.
  • Oncology Co-Payment Benefits – In and out of Network.
  • Accidental Death Benefit.
  • Maternity Private Ward Benefit.

These are just a few of the benefits that they offer their TRA Gap Cover policyholders.

At TRA they put you, the policyholder, first. With their TCF policy (Treating Customers Fairly) you can expect TRA to communicate to you the policyholder openly and clearly. Provide helpful advice that suits you as an individual and your needs. That their services work for you and deliver to your expectations. That there are no unreasonable barriers to you being able to use the or claim from their Gap Cover policies.

Total Risk Gap Cover or TRA are underwritten by Auto & General Insurance as well as GuardRisk Insurance. Leaving you assured that they are a company you can trust.

Tailor-Made For You

At TRA they have tailor-made four Gap Cover policies or you. Each offering the maximum cover at prices designed to suit your policy cover needs. And your financial needs as well. At TRA they understand what you need from your Gap Cover policies. Giving you quick, easy, reliable cover and benefits that will keep you and your family free of unexpected debt and medical bills.

With Total Risk gap cover you can rest assured that whatever it may be, they have a Gap Cover plan that will suit you and your family. So why wait, contact Total Risk today and find out how TRA can assist you in the future.

Get an affordable gap cover quote on this page. Use the short form to contact us. Act now!