Who is Talksure?
Talksure was established in 2010 and is an independent financial services provider for the South African and International markets.
They are a team of highly motivated and award-winning sales specialists working to offer their clients innovative customer engagement and revenue growth.
Working with businesses of all sizes their aim is to make outsourcing simple and easy while ensuring a boost to your market share and revenue leaving you to focus on the important core needs of your business.
Talksure – What They Do
Talksure at its core is a single site customer care call centre. Working with a team of highly trained sales specialists to care for their client’s distribution needs, outsource needs and solutions. As well as customer care queries and their own bespoke products and services.
They are experts in engaging within highly competitive markets with a specialist focus on in inbound, response-based marketing and outbound sales on a national and international front.
Some of the services that Talksure offers its partners’ are –
BPO solutions
• The direct selling of your services and products to potential or existing customers.
Specialist sales capability
- Specially tailored campaigns that address all aspects and requirements to grow your business.
- Insurance sales solutions
- Selling insurance plans on your behalf to both regulated and non-regulated sectors in both national and international markets.
Specialising in Customer Care
• With skilled professionals, Talksure maintains your relationship with your customers through their services. Providing you and your customer bases with peace of mind.
Talksure and Gap Cover
One of Talksure’s services is to offer high-quality Business Outsourcing solutions on behalf of many leading Insurance corporations, including many Gap Cover providers. So there is not such thing as Talksure Gap Cover as such.
While they do not themselves offer Talksure Gap Cover policies, with their work providing marketing and sales solutions for a range of companies they do work closely with Gap Cover schemes and often reach out on behalf of Gap Cover providers to potential customers.
Meaning while they do not themselves offer Gap Cover as one of their Services, they do sell Gap Cover on behalf of a number of respected Gap Cover Service Providers and businesses.
What is Gap Cover?
If you are a holder of Medical Aid you might expect to be covered for all medical expenses in case of an accident or sudden illness. However traditional Medical Aid Schemes only cover part of the Medical Expenses if you have a prolonged stay in hospital or face an unexpected medical emergency.
This shortfall is caused by Medical Practitioners have set rates that are often higher than the tariff rates set by your Medical Aid. Gap Cover plans and benefits cover this shortfall by paying you out the difference between what your Medical Aid has covered and what you were charged by the Medical Practitioners. Meaning that you end up not facing large and unexpected bills after an extended hospital stay or unexpected illness.
Talksure Gap Cover is essential to have if you have Medical Aid, if you are a scheme member of any registered South African Medical Aid it is worth your and your families peace of mind to find out what Gap Cover Scheme suits you and your needs best.
For a gap cover quote, please complete and then send the form on this page. We will contact you with a quote.