Stratum Benefits for Total Health Cover in SA

Do not be surprised that your medical aid does not cover all your treatments and procedures. Medical aid schemes have been cutting down on benefits due to the high cost of medical services. It means that you will have to pay for services and treatment from your pocket when your medical aid cannot cover full payment – unless you take advantage of Stratum Benefits.

Stratum Benefits Gap Cover

Do not run into debt by trying to fix something that you can easily avoid. Medical emergencies can occur at any moment. It will be a disaster if your medical aid does not cover all the cost for treatment. The question is, who do you run to in such a scenario? 

Do not Just Insure, Be Double Sure

A Gap Cover is the only medical insurance that protects you when your medical aid cannot pay for all the medical cost. A Gap Cover is an insurance policy that pays the shortfall or higher charges that your medical aid scheme cannot pay. When a Specialist or Doctor charges more than what your medical aid can pay, a Gap Cover protects you and makes the payment.

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Protection is Just a Click Away

Stratum is one of the leading Gap Cover providers in the Republic. They offer Comprehensive Gap Cover for individuals, families, and corporate groups. Their premiums are affordable, and it provides extensive benefits. Stratum has four cover plans. 

Compact300 Plan

This plan is for both individuals and corporates. It offers all-round cover and benefits that cover for the most often experienced medical expense shortfalls.

It offers Medium benefit cover that includes sub-limit cover, cancer cover, first-time cancer diagnosis, top-up cover, casualty cover, gap cover, co-payment cover, trauma counselling cover, accidental disability, and death.

Base Plan

The Base Plan is a starter plan that covers doctor and specialist fees for the most frequent expense shortfalls that a patient is likely to experience.

It offers an Entry Benefit Cover that includes accidental disability and death, first-time cancer diagnosis, gap cover, casualty cover, trauma counselling cover.

Elite Plan

The individual and corporate “Elite plan” offer the most comprehensive and widest range of benefits.

It offers High Benefit Cover which includes –
trauma counselling cover, preventative care cover, accidental disability and death, stratum policy premium waiver, medical aid contribution waiver, fuel rewards, co-payment cover, sub-limit cover, out-patient specialist consultation cover, private ward cover, gap cover, cancer cover, international travel insurance, top-up cover, casualty cover, a first-time cancer diagnosis.

Access Optimizer

The Access Optimizer option covers specific treatments and procedures not included in your medical aid scheme. It has an Extra Benefit Cover that includes casualty cover, accidental disability and death, access cover.

Who Can Get Coverage?

  • You must be a member of a registered medical aid scheme.
  • Your spouse, parents, children, foster children, adopted children. However, they must be registered dependents under your medical aid.
  • Stratum Benefits covers for all age groups. Whether you are above 65 or below 65.
  • Employers groups get coverage when they add at least ten employees to qualify for the employer group.
  • New dependents can be added to your policy.

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