Closing the Gap With Gap Cover by Old Mutual

Why Get Gap Cover At All?

Gap Cover is an important part of having comprehensive Medical Aid coverage. Medical Aids only cover your medical expenses in part. This is because medical providers often charge up to 500% more for specialist care and treatments such as MRI and CT scans.

Often leaving you to pay for part of these charges out of your own pocket. Gap Cover works with your Medical Aid to keep you covered when this shortfall occurs. Keeping you from needing to cover these unexpected charges yourself.

Gap Cover also works to help alleviate the weight of co-payments as well as helping keep you and your family well covered in the event of an emergency or long term illness. Covering you once your Medical Aids limits have been reached.

Gap Cover Providers also offer extra benefits that work to keep you and your family covered in ways that your medical aid might not. With extended benefits that help you recover after traumatic events. Or just lend a hand with lumpsum payouts in case of accidental disability or death.

Gap Cover has truly become a necessity in recent years with the rising rates of private medical care. Gap Cover is for every member of any Registered South African Medical Aid.

Information About Bridging the Gap With Old Mutual

Old Mutual a trusted and well-known insurance provider now offers new and old policy members Gap Cover. With Old Mutual Gap Cover you can rest assured that you are getting Gap Cover you can trust in.

With benefits you can feel in your pocket, Old Mutual has you and your family covered as the following Old Mutual booklet summary says:  

  • Closing the gap for up to 5 times (500%) the medical aid rate on non-group network plans.
  • Cover applies to you, your spouse/life partner and children (up to 26 years of age.)
  • Keeping you and your family covered – no matter how large your family with cover for up to six family members.
  • Old Mutual offers you the choice in Medical Aid cover – allow the principal member and spouse to be covered by a single Gap Cover policy. Regardless if they are on two different Medical Aid plans.
  • Shortfall cover related to hospitalisation for accidents and illness, or medical procedures such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, oncology and joint replacements.
  • Oncology treatment, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy or other drug regimens. 

Old Mutual understands you and your families needs. Old Mutual Gap Cover is there to provide you with affordable yet comprehensive cover that works to boost your current Medical Aid. Working with your Medical Aid to keep you and your family secure regardless of what might happen in the future.

In our lives, we all will need medical care and treatment at some point. With Old Mutual’s Gap Cover you can now seek out the best medical providers for your and your families care without worrying about the costs of your health.

Old Mutual Gap Cover is designed to give you peace of mind and help you receive the care you deserve.

Start closing the gap by completing and submitting the form on this page. We will send you a  quote.